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View network

This module allows you to view the downline structure as a tree, suitable for both Binary and Genealogy structures:

  1. A search bar on the top-left allows for quick search in a structure, and is carried out by the name, ID or an email.
    If another account is selected, the tree will navigate your view to that account.
    Example: you can find and select an account by filling in "123"
    or "John Snow" or ""
  2. To proceed downward into the branch, click on the ">" button, which will open one level after chosen account.

  3. To expand a tree branch, click on the ">>" button, and on the same button to collapse. In the right corner is an option to open the image in full screen.

  4. Accounts in tree can display current state of configured amount properties.

  5. Clicking avatar of an account brings a pop-up containing configurable list of information related to that specific account.


  :properties="['m.PV', 'm.Downline']"
  :popup-properties="['m.PV', 'm.Status']"
  :header-titles="{ 'p.PV': 'My Volume' }"
    self: 'rgba(10, 230, 10, 0.3)',
    front: 'rgba(10, 230, 10, 0.1)',
    deadend: 'rgba(255, 10, 10, 0.1)',
  background-color="rgba(255, 10, 10, 0.4)"
In-system id, required if opening settings of a module from within the online office

Id of a marketing tree used to display downline
"['m.PV', 'm.Downline']"
Array of properties displayed down under avatar
"['m.PV', 'm.Status']"
Array of properties displayed in pop-up when avatar being clicked
"{ '': 'ID of account' }"
Array Changes title of specified presented properties
Defines first property/profile field displayed and highlighted in account card, full name by default
Defines property/profile field below main one, account id by default
"19" Number How many maximum characters to display in a first property
"23" Number How many maximum characters to display in a second property
"{self: 'rgba(10, 230, 10, 0.3)', front: 'rgba(10, 230, 10, 0.1)', deadend: 'rgba(255, 10, 10, 0.1)',}"
Array Self - color scheme for your account, front - color scheme for your frontline, deadend - color scheme for a deadend's branch last account
"rgba(255, 10, 10, 0.4)"
String Defines color for background of a tree
"3" Number For how many levels a tree shall initially unfold
"1" Number How many levels shall unfold when pressed on > symbol near avatar
"3" Number How many levels shall unfold when pressed on >> symbol near avatar
"10" Number How many levels above should be displayed
"50" Number Maximum number of nodes added to a tree for 1 click
Note: All of the settings can be customized either from admin panel
by manualy editing code or from within the back office by pressing
on a cog icon in a left upper corner of the page (only accessable
when "Online office admin" flag is presented).
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