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Compensation plan engine configuration

How to create compensation plan calculation algorithm: properties, rules, operations, settings

  • Plan dictionaries

    In the section Compensation plan engine / Plan dictionaries you can view, edit dictionaries for properties / parameters of compensation plans and their values and create new ones. On the left of the p...

  • Configure trees

    In the Engine compensation plan / Trees section you can view, edit, delete and create new trees in the application. Trees are the structure of accounts (distributors) in the form of tree, showing rela...

  • Plan properties configuration

    In the Compensation plan engine / Plan properties you can view, edit and create new marketing properties (for all plans at one moment). Columns Plan, Tree are displayed, if there is more than one plan...

  • Plan parameters configuration

    In the Compensation plan engine / Plan parameters section you can view, edit and create new plan parameters. This page displays list of parameters and information on them in the table form. The table ...

  • Configure plans

    In the Compensation plan engine / Configure plans section you can view, edit and delete existing plans and information on them; and add new plans. You can also go to the page with a list of properties...