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Plan Properties or Metrics

This is a basic concept of calculation of any compensation plan.

Plan property is kind of metric or indicator applied to specific position in the tree (in linear plans it means to specific member's account, but sometimes in other plans one member can have many positions in the tree).

If you regard compensation plan as KPI system which final goal is to calculate reward, plan property is one of this indicators. 

Values of properties for specific positions show how this member works.

Types of Properties

Set of properties depend on your custom compensation plan and defined in details during compensation plan formalization process, so to understand each account property please refer to your compensation plan formalization document.

Most of the properties fall under one of the following types:

  • Counters. Count certain things to be used as rank criteria or just for analytical purposes. Example: number of orders made by an account within a period; number of active direct customers in frontline; etc.
  • Volumes. Individual or aggregated sales volumes, usually calculated in CV or other volume unit. Used as a rank criteria and/or as the commission source. Example: Personal Volume, Personal Group Volume, Network Volume, Qualification Volume, etc.
  • Ranks. Rank/status system of the compensation plan. Usually calculated based on certain criteria, i.e. previously calculated counters and volumes. Example: Qualified Rank, Highest Achieved Rank, etc. 
  • Bonuses. Bonuses or commissions are 'final' properties to be calculated. Usually a comp plan consists of a number of different bonuses calculated out of different sources using different algorithms. They all saved to Bonus properties. Please note that Bonus Properties are kind of KPI, i.e. used for analysis / progress display. It's not actual money or payouts. They can be used for commission payments once applied to virtual wallets.

There might be any other types of properties if they're required for a specific compensation plan calculation.

Periods and Properties

It's important to understand that properties always applied to specific period (month, or week, depending on the compensation plan).

Some properties are calculated in real-time. For example, when someone buy something he gets additional PV (personal volume). And this volume goes upline to increment GV (group volume) of members upon him.

Some properties are calculated on period closing, because they depend on other properties and they should have final value in order to calculate everything properly.

Don't matter how properties are calculated or updated, they all belong to a certain account/position and period.

When period is closed, the Compensation Plan Engine saves all property values to history, so you can see historic values of the properties for the whole network in the NRM app / Entire Network page (see how). You can filter data and export it from there.

There's also a transaction log for each property of a certain period, tracking how this property being calculated, so you can understand why it has certain value. You can get to any account's page to see full list of properties and get into detailed transaction log (see how).

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